Fifteenth Day

On Wednesday, Peter and I reprinted our part in the 3D printer, and it finally fit the collimator and light source! After, we helped out Titus and Aditi with their research by walking around campus wearing special glasses that track eye movement. Aditi and Titus then took the data collected, and went to analyze it. Peter and I then went to our lab, and used black construction paper to block out the excess light coming from the light source box, which seems to work pretty well. Then, we went to lunch, which was a tech talk. The talk was about using imaging to analyze planets orbiting around newly formed stars. It was very interesting, and Tristan was really into the subject material (he wants to be an astrophysicist I think).

In the afternoon, Dmitry had us design another part for our setup on SolidWorks that we are going to make at the Mill in the Construct. That means Peter and I will have used all three of the tools there: the laser cutter, 3D printer, and the Mill, which is very cool. Our part is going to hold up a flat glass plate that our sample will be pushed up against to guarantee that all of our polarized light will hit the sample.

Tomorrow, all of the interns are going on a field trip to the Mees observatory in Bristol, which I'm very pumped about.


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