Seventh Day

On Friday, we continued to use SOLIDWORKS to create 3D models of our research setup. We made a track, a cart, and cart connectors. Lee taught us how to convert our models into a drawings that the laser cutter can use to fabricate our models into physical pieces. We visited with some other interns and finished our abstract too. It was a productive day that put us in a good spot to start research next week.

Here's a picture of the 3D model of the track we are going to cut out with the laser:
It's a quarter of a circle (90 degrees), and will be used to measure the angle of the light source from our sample. Our light source will go on top of the track attached to a cart that will allow us to move the light source. We designed angle tick marks on the track so that we know what angle the light is coming from (just like a protractor). The track will be fastened to our lab table with screws that will go into holes that we designed on the track. On Monday, we will have the laser cut out our pieces, and then start to build the set up.


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