Ninth Day

Today, during the morning meeting, Joe had us peer edit other interns' abstracts. It was beneficial to read over other abstracts as I was able to hear about and understand the research other interns are doing, and I saw a couple areas where I could improve my abstract.

In the morning, I continued to review MATLAB. I watched a couple of YouTube videos about how to make a multidimensional array, and Tristan showed me the code that he and Dmitry created, which helped to further my understanding of coding. I think by explaining his code to me, Tristan was able to understand his project better as well. Dmitry came in with the acrylic, so Lee, an REU intern, and I went to the laser cutting lab and cut out our pieces. First, we had to pull up our pdf drawing into a program called Inkscape, where we changed the colors of our drawing; outer edges were black, holes were blue, and the tick marks on the track were red. Then, we saved the Inkscape file into a pdf that the laser could process.

Here's some pictures of the cut pieces. The acrylic is actually clear, but has a blue protective film that we will remove later.


track and other pieces (before re-cut of cart pieces with holes):

The laser cutter was really cool. I was able to learn how to use it, which was helpful because later in the afternoon, I had to go back and re-cut the cart pieces to have .5in diameter holes matched up with the connector piece holes. We did this because we don't want the screws connecting the connector and the light platform to stick out past the cart pieces. The original cart pieces didn't have holes in their sketch, so I had to go back and redesign the pieces with .5in holes on SolidWorks and then go through the laser cut process again.

cart pieces with .5in diameter holes on top of cart connector with holes of .25in diameter:

During lunch, Tristan and I went up to the Reading Room and hung out with Emily and Paige, and some other researchers. In the afternoon, my task was to have the track holes counterbore so the cart can glide on the track without being affected by screws (screw heads need to be level with track surface). I originally went to the laser cutting center, but they didn't have the right tools, so I had to find the machine shop in the engineering building. Once I found the machine shop, someone was able to help me and showed me how to counterbore. It was a fun and interesting experience.

track with counterbore holes;

Dmitry won't be here for the rest of the week, so he will send instructions tomorrow about tasks to be finished. When Peter gets back, I will fill him in on MATLAB. Overall, today was a really fun day, and I enjoyed learning how to laser cut and get around campus by myself.


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