Tenth Day
Today, during the morning meeting, we continued to read over and peer edit abstracts. After, I edited our abstract. I then had to find screws to fit our cart parts, and went to the Construct (where laser cutter is) in the biomedical engineering building to glue some spare acrylic with Gorilla Glue to make sure the Gorilla Glue will work on our pieces.
Around 11:50 am, I went upstairs to the Tech talk with Tristan, which lasted for about an hour and a half. The talk was about quantum mechanics and how quantum physics principles can be used to build a quantum computer that can process data faster than a conventional computer. Professor Edwin Hach gave the presentation, and used some relatable analogies, such as one about coins and "heads or tails" so everyone could understand the information he presented. Tristan and I then took a lunch break and hung out with Emily and Paige in the Reading Room.
After lunch, I checked on the spare acrylic to make sure that the Gorilla Glue worked, which it did. I then went back to the Construct and glued our real cart connector and cart pieces together, which has to sit overnight. Tomorrow, Peter will be back, so I will fill him in on MATLAB, and Dmitry will send instructions about what to do tomorrow and Friday.
pictures of cart connector glued to cart pieces:
top view:
bottom view:
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