Thirteenth Day

Today, Peter and I continued to set up the lab. Dmitry brought us a new, smaller camera, and a new laptop with new software that actually measures polarization. We started to learn how to use the new software versus Maxim DL 6. I don't think we will have to use MATLAB now because of the new software, which I don't mind :) . During lunch, Peter, Tristan, and I went up to the Reading Room and hung out with Emily, Paige, and the other interns.

In the afternoon, Dmitry showed us the light source we will be using, which includes a cable that needs to be connected to our collimator. In order to connect the cable, we had to design a part in SolidWorks. Tomorrow, we will 3D print the part as it cannot be cut with the laser cutter. I'm excited to learn how to 3D print and will maybe bring Emily and Paige along with Peter and I when we go so that they can see how cool the 3D printer is too. Today, I also downloaded software, APT, on the new laptop for the polarizer that lets us adjust the angle of polarized light being projected on our subject.

Tomorrow, I will post a picture of our SolidWorks sketch and the 3D printed part. I have to say that one of my favorite parts of the internship has been using SolidWorks, and learning how to use the laser cutter and 3D printer. It's very empowering when you know how to use awesome machinery :) I'm very excited!


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