Nineteenth Day

Today, during the morning meeting, Matt had us look over other interns' outlines and revise them. After the meeting, Peter and I went to the Machine Shop, and had the LEXAN cut with a panel saw. Then, we reread the packet Dmitry gave us about the polarization of light.  Around 11am, went to the lab, and used the camera to take some pictures of more skin samples. Emily came downstairs to visit, so we explained our project and looked at her skin with the camera. Then we took a lunch break.

After lunch, we started to work on our presentation while we waited for our part to finish at the Machine Shop. Dmitry gave us some good tips about presentation length, and the content of our presentation. For our project, about half of our PowerPoint will be background information about our, "problem," and the other half will be raw data/pictures, and the next steps. After our part is done, we will begin to collect data, and analyze the data for birefringence.


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