Twenty-first Day

Today, in the morning, Peter and I toured around other interns' lab spaces. I especially liked Anjana's lab space. Her project is kind of similar to ours in that she is also trying to develop a new sensing device. After, Peter and I worked on our presentation for a little bit and checked on our part in the Machine Shop (part will be done tomorrow). We then took a lunch break.

After lunch, we took some more pictures with the camera, and started to separate the raw data with MATLAB. The process was actually easier than I anticipated once I learned the basics. We separated the pixels into the 0,90,45,and135 degree pixels, and then used the Stoke's Parameters to look at total intensity (which was the original picture), preference for horizontal versus vertical, and preference for positive 45 and negative 45. Tomorrow, we will take some pictures of skin, and then use the parameters to view polarization in the skin. Tomorrow is also the undergraduate research symposium,  so we might go to a couple presentations during the day.


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