Fifth Day

Today, during the morning meeting, all of the interns watched a video description of imaging science. After the morning meeting, I caught Peter up on the information I found about birefringence and then showed him how to use the camera. We then started to research how to measure birefringence and then went up to the tech talk on the second floor. The talk was about how imaging science is used in the biomedical engineering field to create new, less invasive technology. Less invasive technology means that doctors need more external viewing ability through technology such as digital models or physical models. I really enjoyed the talk and was able to learn a lot about biomedical engineering.

In the afternoon, Peter and I took a quick break and then continued research about the birefringence   of skin cells. We then looked into some reports that Dmitry suggested about polarimetric imaging of cervix cells that used processes that we might be able to apply in our own research. Tomorrow, we plan on reading more reports and finishing our abstract for Dmitry to look over.


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