Twenty-second Day

On Friday, the Undergraduate Research Symposium was happening on campus, so Tristan, Peter, and I went to a couple of presentations. One was about quantum dots being used on sensors, and the other was Lee's presentation about polarized cameras.

In the afternoon, Peter and I continued to work on our code in MATLAB. Through our code, we are able to average information from a file folder full of pictures, and then measure the Stokes parameters from the average data. We took some more pictures of skin, and realized that the skin has to be pretty uniform in color for taking pictures, or else the camera creates false polarization. What this means is that in order to take a picture of a darker area of skin, such as a mole or scar, the camera will have to be zoomed in to just that darker area of skin; lighter skin that surrounds the darker skin cannot be in the photo or else the data will be incorrect.


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